Curse Client Not Updating Addons

Curse Client Not Updating Addons 4,2/5 7926 reviews

So, I've been meaning to do this for a while now, since the Twitch/Curse client is. Pretty awful. In short, this utility lets you edit a text file with Curse links to the addons you want to keep updated, and you just run a file to go through and update all of them at once. All the details are on the Github page linked above. If you have any questions or anything, feel free to comment here, message me on here, or go through any of the methods on the Github page. Hopefully this helps some people out:). Wowmatrix history.

Curse Client is an additional piece of software for World of Warcraft that provides and manages add-ons. As the heading probably implies, Curse Client (or just Curse) isn't too useful for anyone who doesn't play the hit MMORPG of ten years, World of Warcraft.

rumors that WoWMatrix steals passwords. WowMatrix downloaded addons from curse/wowinterface without permission.

Curse/WoWinterface stopped WowMatrix from doing so. some addons are out-of-date leading to bug reports that were no longer relevant. anti-virus software often finds something in the WoWmatrix.exe. Author says it is an false positive. But the author does some really shady stuff. Wowmatrix doesn't have the permission of the addon-authors.

It also doesn't credit the authors properly. Addon-authors get nothing from wowmatrix while they can get amazonvouchers, premium or paypalcash from curse. WoWmatrix doesn't link to the authors page where you can ask for help / request features / bugreports. WoWmatrix descriptions can't be edited by authors.

On curse they can write it is in development and might be unstable in bold text.a lot of these are no longer the case. For example they dont host addons that have a restrictive license and they do link to the original author now, but originally they didnt.


Premium VersionAt 29th April 2009, Curse gaming enabled the “Premium”-Mode of their Curse Updater Tool for and.Many people are pissed, because the free really sucks for the following reasons. You can’t update all your addons with one click anymore. This is especially annoying for people with many addons (more than 30) and it’s very easy to get this amount of addons.

For example if you use Cartographer, it has 10 addons + a hand full of Ace-Libraries (each one counting as own addon). You download speed gets throttled down. And there is some nasty banners everywhere which are really annoyingBesides that, Curse Gaming also violates against the new which clearly states that it’s forbidden to charge money for addons, or any services connected to this addons, not even ask for donations or advertisement (at least in-game).

Add-ons must be free of chargeAll add-ons must be distributed free of charge. Developers may not create 'premium' versions of add-ons with additional for-pay features, charge money to download an add-on, charge for services related to the add-on, or otherwise require some form of monetary compensation to download or access an add-on.I’ve marked the most important part of this policy. Anonymoussaid.Nice post, but I completely disagree with most of what you are saying.If read literally, the policy is written for developers.

Curse Client Not Updating Addons Download

In fact, the sentence you highlight starts with 'Developers'. Curse is a service provider that offers the addons as part of it's service. Both free and as part of the premium package. I don’t see any violation of the policy by Curse.Even if what you say is true, I am sure the Blizzard can take care of itself. And if it is true, then we may all pay the price by having to move back to the “stone age” if Curse stops providing their service.Now, as far as the 'exploit the users'. You are probably the type that yells 'FIRE' in a movie theater when you see a flash of light. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Curse Client Not Updating Addons On Pc


Because of the ads, the client probably implements a web client in their code and is grabbing a couple of keys to display default local info if there is a problem getting a web page.I read this whole blog as someone who is mad because they can't get something for nothing. Said.It's not about getting something for nothing. But WoW addons cause such little traffic, that it simply doesn't justify the $2.50 ($30 annually) fee. The traffic fees caused by downloading the addons are minimal and can easily be compensated by advertisement.And with WoWMatrix now blocked, the amount of traffic will go down even further while the advertisement income will go up.I mean just think up. If traffic would be that expensive, every broadband internet provider would be bankrupt by now as people have unlimited traffic for a few bucks. Anonymoussaid.I agree with what anonymous has said about your angle of this post.

The policy does not cover what Curse is doing with their downloader.And also, downloading addons is not the 'little' traffic you consider. Every update for, say Quest Helper, is 5.5M. Now, multiply that by the average daily download, of 56,000 times, and you really, really don't have 'little' traffic.And that's just for one addon. We're talking terabytes of transfer for a single addon on a patch day, and you think that it costs nothing? Anonymoussaid.The phrase 'must be distributed for free' does not create a compound clause with 'developers must not create premium versions'.I expect Blizzard to close this loophole tho, and let's be honest it is a loophole of sorts. But unfortunately that means that Curse can still eliminate the free updater and then propose that the automatic updater is a pay-only service.Addons will still be distributed 'for free' via the website (which features ads).Perhaps this is a fight the users don't want to have.

Ever since Kaelten was spending cash out of his own pocket to pay for 8 million players to get wowace update downloads this has been a big big problem.I agree it's kinda lame that the curse updater doesn't provide a 1-button update mechanism. What would you say if it did a 5 second pause between each addon updated and/or limited you to one 'one button' update per day? Said.Questhelper, some Cartographer Addons and a few other addons with huge databases are the exception or addons which comes with very big textures inside.Most addons however are 10-50 kb in size (compressed). However, it's quite not the problem of the addons himself that cause traffic (even though big addons are rare). This could easily be corrected if you only let the updater download the actuall difference instead of the whole addon. Like Kaspersky Antivirus.Instead of downloading 30-40 MB big signature file everytime, it only downloads the difference and patch it, so the update consists of 5-15 small 10-50k files.This alone could reduce the traffic by factor 10 at least.

In case of QuestHelper for example: If only one quest route or coordinates where changed, this is probably 1-2kb max. Saves 5.5 MB of traffic.Bad programming/design is never an excuse for high costs.And i never said it costs nothing, but the costs of traffic are pretty low (unless you have the wrong provider which charges hilarious prices, in this case it's bad management/choice of ISP) and can be covered (even with profit) with advertisements only. Said.Odessa, as you know servers are delivering larger and larger pieces of content these days. Youtube videos are hundreds of kb to megabytes.You can't simply boil-down a webserver's activities to it's MB/second thruput. Addons represent dozens of requests rapidly executed to download the zips. This is after the index which is hundreds of kilobytes itself (and independently throttled).Don't call this bad programming, that is ignorant and arrogant.The best experimental servers can process 30,000 simultaneous requests or more on very expensive hardware.

Production quality servers handle fewer requests.I'm sure that Curse hasn't reached the state of the art. Said.This could easily be corrected if you only let the updater download the actuall difference instead of the whole addon.

Like Kaspersky Antivirus.Instead of downloading 30-40 MB big signature file everytime, it only downloads the difference and patch it, so the update consists of 5-15 small 10-50k files.The 30-40 MB was an example of Kaspersky Signature file. I don't have to download 40 MB everytime there is a new version. Instead it only downloads small patches. Same could be done with Curse too.And btw from that 175kb you listed above, 60kb are from adds (approx.

2 250x250 banners) and this traffic doesn't come from curse servers, but from add server.Dunno how big the index file is, but with the index it's 115kb at best, without probably 60kb or less.And if a user has 60-100 MB in addons (which is quote normal for someone with many addons), that's 30-50 mb zipped. But as some addons are updated less frequently that's maybe 30-60 MB traffic per month per user and around 300-500 MB yearly.That's nothing with the amount of traffic curse has. One click yearly on an advertisement or 50-100 unique impressions ($0.10) yearly (1 ad every 3 1/2-7 days sounds realistic for an user who regularly updates his addons).Even the worst banner impressions (PPM) rate is something around $1.00. And for $1.00 you can get at least 10 GB in traffic, if you have the right ISP.

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