Half Life 2 Combine

Half Life 2 Combine 3,9/5 8741 reviews

Did you know that in 2004 Valve launched Half-Life 2 official site? And did you know that Episode 1 followed two years later and Episode 2 a year after that? Did you know it’s now been ten years and besides a mass of rumours, bad jokes and conversations with unverified sources, Gordon Freeman. The only known model for the Consul, a character originally in the Half-Life 2 Beta, but cut and replaced by Dr. Wallace Breen in the final version of the game. This addon is not a playermodel or NPC, it is a ragdoll model used for posing / roleplay.

Half Life 2 Combine Voice

Civil Protection is very similar to how he is in the final game.Visually, the only differences between the prototype and final Civil Protection is that the prototype's eyes are a brown color and his gloves are less shiny.Strangely, he has only 10 health in Medium and Hard difficulties, while he has 40 health in Easy, making him more difficult to kill in Easy difficulty. There aren't any variables to increase his health during the Uprising chapters, like there is in the final game.The biggest difference between the prototype and final Metropolice is their voice. The prototype Metropolice use complete sentences (instead of words spliced together, like in the final game) and lack a lot of of the terminology the final Metropolice use, such as the codes for crimes. He also does not talk to the Combine Overwatch voice (which does not exist in this prototype). PrototypeFinalOld Civil Protection texturesThe real interesting stuff can be found in the Civil Protection's texture folder.

Hidden inside it is a complete set of unused textures for the Civil Protection. These give the Metropolice a brown vest, a lighter blue outfit, a more muddy gas mask, and a red armband.

Half life 2 combine ranks

This design was seen on Barney in an and some pre-release images. These textures do not work on the Civil Protection model by default because they are split into separate sheets instead of having everything on one sheet, like the prototype and final Civil Protection use. Civil Protection using the old textures in the scrapped map e3terminal.Older Civil ProtectionThere are also textures for an even earlier Civil Protection that has him with a more traditional bullet-proof vest, a more baggy outfit, and a patch featuring a unique City 17 logo.

Also mixed in are textures for a very early SMG1 world model, back when it was an MP5K. The textures for this model are also listed as missing textures when opening up the model for the VIP's head in the released Counter-Strike 1.5 model sources. The Combine Soldier is very similar to his final incarnation in behavior and in the equipment he uses.The most noticeable difference are his textures. The prototype Combine Soldier has yellow underarms instead of white, a lighter camouflage with a different pattern, a darker head, red eyes, and what appears to be the logo on the Strider and Combine Gunship pasted on his back. The Strider logo lacks transparency, making it look like he had a black box with the texture on it pasted on his back.The prototype Combine Soldier not only lacks a lot of animations compared to the final version, several of his animations are different from the final's.


Some examples include kicking the player instead of hitting the player with his gun, a clunky grenade toss animation that has the Combine Soldier tossing with his left arm instead of right, and a different running animation.He also uses completely different sounds in the prototype. Like the prototype Civil Protection, the Combine Soldier uses full sentences instead of the 'fragments strung into a sentence' system that the final Combine Soldier uses.

He also lacks the lingo that the final Combine Soldiers use and does not talk to the Combine Overwatch voice. The voice modulation for his voice clips are completely different and makes it extremely difficult to understand what he's saying because of how garbled he sounds. Fortunately, there is a set of earlier voice clips that lack the extreme garbling, making it easier to understand (though not simple because of the low quality the original recordings are).Of note is that the prototype Combine Soldier has animations for launching grenades from the old AR2, the XM29 OICW. This suggests that enemies were able to launch grenades from guns that have grenade launchers (specifically the OICW), but the ability was removed some point down the line. The prototype Manhack keeps the final's model, but uses completely different textures. It uses a much less detailed texture that is a gray shade instead of the final's blue shade.In-game, the main difference is that the Manhack takes little damage if it is grabbed and tossed with a Gravity Gun. The player must use guns, or better, a melee weapon in order to defeat them.

It also lacks the light that changes as the Manhack takes damage, but it still emits smoke when damaged.Of note is that Civil Protection can freely deploy Manhacks in the prototype, but in the final game, it's controlled by scripted sequences. The Shield Scanner is in the prototype, but has much simpler and rougher textures that lack many of the details the final one has. The eye also has a different color than it does in the final game.The most interesting part is that the Shield Scanner has dedicated code, showing what it was originally meant to do.

It indicates that the Shield Scanner was meant to protect NPCs in a squad it was paired with by generating a shield in front of the NPC. The shield could only be generated if the Shield Scanner was open (read: the mechanical tentacles were coming out of it). If it took enough damage quickly, it would enter a 'pissed off' state and close up, shutting down the shield. It would pick a squad member to protect based on each NPC's LOS (presumably, of the player) and distance. It could pick an alternate target if the 'best' NPC didn't have the best LOS.A model for the Shield Scanner's shield exists, but it is untextured.The code does not mention the ability to carry mines, indicating the ability was not thought up when the prototype was leaked. The Rollermine behaves the same as it does in the final game, but its model is completely different; the prototype Rollermine is a sphere-shaped object with red dots inside tan, metallic-looking ovals spread throughout the model. When it begins charging towards the player, spikes with rounded edges sprout from it.

The spikes will clip through the ground.The prototype's source code also mentions two more Rollermine types; Rollerdozer and Rollerbull. The Rollerdozer was meant to clear up debris, while the Rollerbull appears to be an early prototype of the Rollermine. The Stalker is completely different in this prototype. The model is much more simple, the textures give the Stalker a more rotten look, he has different tools on his arms, and the faceplate on it looks to be BDSM-inspired.His behavior is also very different; the Stalker will attack the player with his eye lasers. If the player fires more than a few rounds at him, the Stalker will run away, making it difficult to hit them. Getting close to a Stalker will either make him hit the player with his claws or make him run away.

Half-life 2 Combine Assassin Reskin Alyx

The Stalker normally cannot be fought in HL2, but the fightable Stalker in Episode One is the complete opposite; he is very slow and does not attack the player directly.By default, the Stalker can only be fought in the 'devtest' map.There is also an unused model of a folded-up Stalker called 'wstalker'. He has no animations, and there are no hints as to where he would be used. APC tire.PrototypeFinalPrototypeFinalPrototypeFinalPrototype final Combine APCA WIP model for the Combine APC exists in this prototype, but it is not used. Reddit best pirate sites online.

It has different glass, a bluer body with rust on it, no cannons (?) on the front, and no black in the window part of the rear.PrototypeFinalPrototypeFinalPrototypeFinalEarly final Combine APCA very early version of the final APC can also be found in the model's name. It lacks textures and most of the top of the APC.PrototypeFinalPrototypeFinalPrototypeFinalOld human-designed APCTextures for an older APC can be found in the 'APC' folder. These textures are very similar to an APC design that in the 'props/vehicles' folder. The Hunter-Chopper is completely different in the prototype, visually. The prototype version is based on a real helicopter, the Ka-27. The final version uses a fictional design using the Combine's distinct style.This enemy's AI is much simpler than it is in the final game as well.

All it can do is occasionally fire a burst of slow autocannon shots. It cannot spew round mines, like the final version can.

It also cannot fire missiles, despite having missile pods.In the prototype, the Hunter-Chopper is invincible, making it impossible to complete the canals portion in the prototype. The prototype Combine Gunship lacks the glowing blue lights on his underside. The white parts of his tail are also darker than they are in the final game. The bottom part of the Gunship's front fins are more detailed in the final game.In the prototype, however, the most interesting is that the Gunship can freely fire his stomach laser at anything.

The final game restricts this to scripted sequences, such as blowing up the bridge the player sees after helping Alyx shut down one of the reactors during the Uprising in City 17. The ability can still be reactivated with a little work in the SDK.Inside the game's files are models for an unused projectile related to the Gunship. How the Gunship used it is unknown.

The Dropship's textures are much rougher and less detailed than they are in the final game.It is invincible, like it is in the final game.A proper model for the Combine Dropship's container is not in this prototype, so the game uses a trash bin as a placeholder. The trash dumpster does not have a gun to prevent spawn-camping the Combine Soldiers he spawns. In addition, all of the Combine Soldiers meant to be spawned by him appear at once, instead of popping out one at a time with a special 'jumping out' animation, like they do in the final game.

There is an earlier Dropship in the game's files called DropShip.mdl. This design is completely different; it appears to be based on a red beetle, and has engines with a blue tint on them on its sides.

The hatch to release troops is found on its rear. The interior does not have a proper texture and the hatch itself is not properly attached to the Dropship's rear.There is also a separate model for its hatch for some reason, but it uses incorrect textures.When it flies, its shape is very similar to Boba Fett's ship, Slave One.In a default installation, the older Dropship's model format is too old to be loaded in the model viewer provided in the prototype. A custom model viewer is needed in order to view it.

The Strider's texture received a scale overlay on its textures to make him look more detailed in the final game. Most of the texture was darkened in the prototype, with the top of the Strider's sides getting some shading.In-game, the Strider is a little different from the final because it is nigh invincible due to the fact that he can be defeated by noclipping near him, hitting the use button, then firing an RPG rocket or two while inside him. This will cause the Strider to deactivate and drop an Immolator, which can be picked up.

Overwatch Soldiers (also known as Combine Soldiers by, and 'Stabilization Teams' by the ), are the basic transhuman infantry units of the, composing the backbone of the 's military presence on. In contrast to, whose duties are to enforce order within suppressed population centres, soldiers of the are tasked with more hazardous actions requiring skill and tact: from patrolling the treacherous borders of -controlled territory to raiding -held strongholds.Being military personnel as opposed to law enforcement, Overwatch Soldiers are given access to military-grade equipment and tactical combat training, making them more formidable opponents than. Contents OverviewStandard Overwatch Soldiers, like other soldier variants, wear standard-issue blue and grey camo body armor over their mid-sections with padding on their arms, thighs, and groin. Several insignias can be found on their arm pads, signifying their position in the Combine regime. Perhaps the most advanced piece of equipment found on Overwatch Soldiers are their helmets, which cover the head entirely and are equipped with air filters and radios. These helmets have glowing blue goggles and appear to be a cross between an old Soviet and gas mask.Overwatch Soldiers are equipped with, or, as well as. Using these standard-issue weapons, Overwatch Soldiers typically work in squads of four to six, each squad having at least one soldier armed with a shotgun and another armed with a pulse rifle.

Later in Chapters 11 to 13, the squads have soldiers of four to eight, one or two being and sometimes including a shotgun soldier. The rest are usually carrying pulse rifles. During combat, soldiers make use of squad tactics and will attempt to flank enemies and provide cover for one another.A stripped Overwatch Soldier during an ongoing modification.

Its is based on a picture of Valve's, who was also one of the bases for Gordon Freeman's face. The very picture used in the texture is featured in; the texture file is named 'erictexcylmapevil2' in the files.Overwatch Soldiers are initially encountered in the outside, patrolling the highways for Resistance activity and staffing Combine outposts. They can, however, be found anywhere the Combine requires direct military action, as soldiers can be quickly transported to a desired area via Dropships. Overwatch Soldiers are also tasked with guarding high-security areas, monitoring in the, and serving as guards in.

In addition, they also serve as pilots and gunners of the Combine.Overwatch Soldiers are humans that have undergone extensive modifications including, but not limited to, brain and chest surgery, and implantation of various mechanical devices in the throat and around the abdomen. This procedure is carried out at Nova Prospekt and the Citadel. It is notable that in the B2 cell block of Nova Prospekt, after a few switches of a, a shirtless soldier can be seen lying on a table between two control panels. His eyes are open, indicating the soldier may not be asleep, and is being prepared for clothing.

There is also a noticeable hole in the soldier's neck, implying that the vocal cords are being removed and replaced by a vocoder to communicate with others. It is theorized that Overwatch Soldiers were Civil Protection Units who have shown excellent performance and have been chosen for Transmutation. It is also theorized that past military units who surrendered were recycled into Overwatch Soldiers.Despite the extensive surgery and modifications they receive, Overwatch Soldiers still appear to have certain human characteristics - for instance, they still feel pain, and during the Nova Prospekt chapter, is giving them what appears to be a morale-boosting speech, and they sometimes can be heard shouting expletives in the heat of battle, indicating that they still have human emotions to a certain extent. For example, if a grenade is thrown at a sniper soldier, they will sometimes yell out 'Shit!'

Before the grenade explodes. (The sound files Snipers use are reused Civil Protection sounds, however.) They do not let pain and fear hinder their performance, however. It is also noted that due to an extensive brain wipe, they have no previous memories of their human life and that they are incapable of resisting, disobeying orders, and going rogue.The in-game evolution graffiti, demonstrating an Overwatch Soldier fully modified. The image implies the mask is attached to the head and can not be removed, thus being part of the soldier.When not in combat, Overwatch Soldiers are cold and unemotional. They do not speak much unless using their radio and when they do, they speak with mandatory vocabulary. Unlike Civil Protection, they do not stutter or falter when speaking such as saying 'Uhh' and other words similar (there is, however, one radio transmission in Nova Prospekt where they do).Overwatch Soldiers communicate over radios, but unlike officers, they are not addressed or controlled by but instead use them to update military situations and request backup, such as saying, 'Overwatch, sector is not secure' or 'Overwatch, request reserve activation!' According to announcements made over the public address system of Nova Prospekt, punishments for failing to achieve objectives include 'permanent off-world assignment'.

It was originally planned that Gordon's suit picked up radio transmissions from the Combine, though this idea was dropped in favor of simply hearing dialogue leaked from their helmets, similar to the 's own radio signals.In combat, Overwatch Soldiers fire their weapons with decent accuracy. The amount of damage soldiers can take before dying is determined by the difficulty level the game is being played on.

If a hostile soldier is at point blank range, they will perform a melee attack with the stock of their weapon.VariantsBeing one of the most versatile units at the Combine's disposal, Overwatch Soldiers come in several varieties:Overwatch Sniper. Main article:Overwatch Snipers are soldiers armed with the mounted. Their presence (and where they are aiming) is indicated by a blue laser sight. Aside from Gordon, they will generally shoot at anything that moves, even and moving props.

They wear the standard blue Overwatch uniform, their audio is re-used clips from Civil Protection units.Nova Prospekt Prison GuardThe Nova Prospekt Prison Guard.The Nova Prospekt Prison Guard, shotgun version.Prison Guards are tasked with guarding and maintaining the Nova Prospekt facility. These guards are almost identical to standard Overwatch Soldiers, using the same weapons and having the same stats, the only differences being their armor and voices. Their armor is dark blue and they typically have yellow goggles, although the shotgun soldiers have red goggles.

The words 'Nova Prospekt' are emblazoned onto the back armor as well as their shoulder.They also speak with a lower tone from their vocoder compared to standard Overwatch Soldiers, showing the possibility of further mechanical enhancements. However, they still have the standard badge similar to their Overwatch counterparts. Interestingly, after a soldier of this kind has been killed, their allies will page them over their com-links in a deeper, more human voice, not knowing this soldier has already been killed. They also seem to use more often and they are more aggressive than normal Soldiers since the prison features more enclosed spaces than most other locations. Despite the enclosed spaces of Nova Prospekt making grenades dangerous, Prison Guards seem to use them just as much as regular Overwatch soldiers do. However, despite these minor differences, Prison Guards are largely identical to standard Overwatch troops in terms of combat behavior, regardless of the difference in weapon distribution.Shotgun SoldierThe Shotgun Soldier (with the Overwatch Elite insignia).Shotgun Soldiers exclusively wield the.

Shotgun Soldiers can be distinguished by their brown and red uniforms and battle armor. Their helmets are slightly darker than the average Overwatch Soldier and have blood red/orange goggles. They also bear the insignia on a red shoulder pad, suggesting that they may be a branch of the, a higher ranked soldier variant, or a squad leader. In Nova Prospekt they have the same dark blue armor color and Nova Prospekt insignia on their right shoulder that a regular Nova Prospekt soldier would; however, they keep the red/orange goggle lens color and Overwatch Elite insignia on their left shoulder; both of which they would normally have outside of Nova Prospekt.Shotgun Soldiers are also the only units seen manning Combine computers.

This happens when the is unstable. When far away enough from the trooper, he will use the computer, seemingly in an attempt to prevent the Core's detonation.

The soldier will ignore Gordon, even when shot at.Shotgun Soldiers originally only appeared in Episode 2, but have been updated into every Half-Life 2 game since.Shotgun Soldiers are also particularly extremely aggressive and lethal to NPCs, especially when they're firing while strafing (due to the ability to fire the shotgun in semi-automatic mode when moving), even essential ones like Alyx whose rapid health regeneration usually guarantees survival on lower difficulties. They can also notably drain the player's health up to 21 damage per shot. As a result, these enemies should always be targeted at top priority. Shotgun Soldiers tend to rush recklessly even if the target is heavily armored.Tactics. Overwatch Soldiers use a variety of squad tactics when engaging hostile targets. These tactics include flanking, providing each other with covering fire, and effective use of.

Always exercise caution when entering an area with structures that offer concealment (e.g., buildings and walls). When a soldier is injured or has to reload his weapon, he will typically try to find cover and get behind a solid object. When taking cover while in a fire-fight, be aware that the soldiers who are being engaged will most likely throw a grenade at Gordon, so be ready to throw it back at them with either the or the 'USE' key. If a grenade is not thrown, then it is likely that one or more of the soldiers are making their way to the player's position. Maintain complete 360-degree awareness of the surroundings while engaging a squad of soldiers. Also, try not to concentrate on a single soldier while being engaged; be mindful of all enemy movement. Try to keep some distance from soldiers at all times.

If Gordon is right in front of a soldier, or beside him, he will resort to a melee attack. Grenades will generally make soldiers disregard everything and attempt to flee the blast radius. This is an effective way to force soldiers out into the open if they are hiding behind cover, or simply to distract them for a few seconds in order to cause some damage. Shotgun Soldiers, especially in close quarters combat, should be the first priority, as their shotguns are a much more significant threat than the weapons used by ordinary soldiers.

Half Life 2 Combine

Take them out from a distance, as their shotguns are much less effective at long range. Shotgun Soldiers have a tendency to crouch when being shot on their upper body. This can cause slower players to miss them entirely, and waste ammunition. When shot on their lower body, they will tend to retreat a few feet, while still firing at the player. Soldiers equipped with the will usually charge the target to get within point blank, if they are successful in charging at the target, they will attack the enemy with a melee attack and then retreat. Soldiers are not very accurate and it will usually give the player and advantage.

If possible, try to avoid engaging the soldier at close ranges unless the player is armed with a shotgun as the soldier appears to be weaker at longer ranges and stronger at closer ranges. Compared to the rebels, Overwatch soldiers have 25% more health and tend to carry better weapons. They can also use a melee attack and throw grenades, abilities the rebels lack. The latter is fairly major, as one grenade can easily take out several resistance members, especially since they tend to crowd together. However, the rebels are oddly better shots with MP7s than the Overwatch soldiers are.

They are on-par in accuracy for the pulse rifle and shotgun. Overwatch soldiers are also coded to die in one hit from, the reason being that if normal damage values applied (Antlions do 5 damage per hit, and Overwatch soldiers have 50 health), the soldiers would easily defeat the Antlions nearly every time, rendering the useless. This is not true of Civil Protection officers, as Antlions and Civil Protection never encounter each other in-game. Throwing Bug Bait at a soldier can stun him, leaving the soldier vulnerable to following attacks from the player or Antlions. However, Civil Protection officers do not react to the Bug Bait.Behind the scenes.

The Combine Soldier has had many predecessors during the. The is one of them. The early elite soldiers, the, the, and the, can also be considered as indirect predecessors. Just like for the Overwatch Elite, a more conventional look was chosen over the aforementioned concepts to avoid, among other things, overshadowing the remarkable nature of the and to keep the as a more elusive enemy. While several concepts depict helmets with fly-like eyes, the final helmet design, similar to that of the, was based on the. Alternate, green-colored Combine Soldiers with glowing orange eyes were seen in preview screenshots of, at the time when the episode was still called Aftermath.

It is unclear how this variation differed from the rest of the Combine Overwatch, as they were replaced by regular Combine soldiers in the game's final release. They are, however, seen in Episode Two, wielding shotguns, but this version is maroon. These same green-colored soldiers can also be seen in the main menu of Half-Life 2: Deathmatch. A texture from the 2003 leaked indicates that the soldiers were to have some sort of shield at one time.

The Combine Soldiers in the playable Half-Life 2 Beta were also supposed to use weapons such as the HMG1, the MP5K, and the OICW. The Half-Life 2 Overwatch Soldier still has a firing animation for the HMG1, although it is unused. In the Half-Life 2 Beta, the soldiers used the same melee kick as the HECU troopers. Originally, the Overwatch Soldiers would be able to kick doors down, as seen in the E3 demo 'Traptown'. However, this was changed most likely because, overall, the animation didn't fit the Overwatch Soldier, and using the gun as a melee weapon was more conventional. A left-over animation of the Beta Overwatch Soldier can be viewed in the under the name of 'shootAR2G'. This animation shows what the leaked animations for the Overwatch Soldiers originally looked like: feet closer together, and although they look less experienced than the retail animations, they are more dynamic.Trivia.

During Half-Life 2: Episode Two, the Overwatch Soldiers' and the 's armor and boots are flecked with mud and dirt, indicating they have been traveling by foot for long periods of time. But for some reason soldiers doesn't use this 'dirty' version. Game uses 'combineelitenoalpha.vtf' for soldiers texture, but the 'dirty' texture is named 'combineelite.vtf', therefore, the game uses a “clean” texture from Half-Life 2 files. It is a developer's oversight. The patch worn on the left arm of Overwatch Soldiers appears to be a yellow variant of the insignia. Shotgun Soldiers appear throughout and its episodes in the console versions of, but originally only appeared in on PC.

As of the May 26, 2010 updates, Shotgun Soldiers appear in Half-Life 2 and Episode One on PCs as well as consoles. This also adds red goggle-wearing Nova Prospekt guards to the PC version of Half-Life 2. In the version of Half-Life 2 there are no Shotgun Soldiers, as the latest update for the game was released before The Orange Box. An Overwatch Soldier can be seen above the sewers in the chapter, in the map 'd1canals05,' but this is likely a mistake made by developers who forgot to delete it or just left it as easter egg (this is then, technically, the first time the player sees an Overwatch Soldier). Although the soldier can only actually be seen by using the console command Noclip, he will ignore the player completely unless he is fired at, after which he will behave normally.

If it is an oversight, then the first intended appearance of Overwatch Soldiers is in, when they eject from the. However, this might also be a mistake. It could be a remnant of the fact that Overwatch Soldiers were originally intended to appear much sooner than the final map of Ravenholm. The Combine have possibly installed technology that allows the Overwatch to upload data directly to the soldier - most likely directly into their brain.

This is mentioned in the sound files for the Overwatch Dispatcher: 'Attention. Prepare for visual download of Anticitizen One.' This is a non-sequitur conclusion however, as the visual download could just as easily appear on the inside of their goggles like pilots and some soldiers already do. There are at least four Standard Overwatch Soldiers (not Prison Guards) in Nova Prospekt. One is shot and killed by at the beginning of, and another is seen dead in electrified water later on. The final two are corpses seen right after the room with electrified water. It could be developer oversight.

This has been patched in Half-Life 2: Update. If the console command 'npccreateequipment' is set to 'weaponshotgun' and player spawn a soldier, a Shotgun Soldier will spawn.

This happens in all versions. Many players get confused that the spawn command for Combine Soldier is 'npccombine'. However using this command crashes the game, the actual spawn command is 'npccombine s'. Overwatch Soldiers will use cover if the player places boxes to form a wall. This can be done in or in-game by turning off the AI with a command, using the use key to build it, and then finally re-enabling the AI. In the May 26, 2010 update, the Overwatch Soldiers have increased aggression when equipped with the, they will most likely strafe constantly and keep firing their shotgun in semi-automatic mode and can deal much more damage to the player. Only two soldiers out of every 'squad' can attack at any one moment in time, due to the slot-based squad AI system possessing only two attack slots.

Soldiers either rapidly exchange slots to achieve massed fire or are broken up into small squads of just a handful of soldiers each, despite appearances implying larger teams. Similarly, only one soldier can toss a grenade at any one time, and this will temporarily prevent soldiers in the squad from throwing grenades again. This grenade rule only applies to each squad, so it is likely soldiers from different squads may throw more than one grenade towards the player. Any Overwatch Soldiers punted towards any hard surface by the supercharged Gravity Gun will splatter red blood on the said surface. Similarly to the HECU Marines of Half-Life, regular Combine Soldiers cannot use their standard-issue weapon's secondary fire (the dark energy sphere, as opposed to the HECU MP5's grenade launcher). This ability is restricted to Overwatch Elites. Sometimes, if a squad of soldiers reaches Freeman without him attacking or looking at them, they will run up to a decent range and stare at the player, ready to fire.

They will attack when the player takes a single step or fires a weapon. This is not commonly seen, however, and appears to only work when the player is a long distance away and the soldiers hardly identify them. This tactic is also shared by Overwatch Elites and Ceiling Turrets.Gallery Concept art.

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