Kotor Ajunta Pall Sword Keep

Kotor Ajunta Pall Sword Keep 4,0/5 7780 reviews
  1. Tomb Of Ajunta Pall

' I am that which grips the heart in fright, hearkens night and silences the light.' Kreia about the sword'This way leads to the Tomb of Ajunta Pall, a fierce Sith Lord. According to legend, the blade proved more fearsome than the Master, leading to his demise.' Pall warned Revan about the corruption within the sword. He told Revan that if he was wise, he would not keep the sword, in order to avoid a similar fate.DesignThe blade of this sword was described as being ebony black in color and notched along its length to give the appearance of being cruel and jagged.


It was also said to be very cool to the touch and that upon closer inspection a small insignia of a dark cicle could be seen on the hilt.There's also a line, which I cant find, it goes like'Many believe that sword's corruption and dark side power within, made Ajunta Pall fall to the dark side.' This sword is a double bladed one, I always wondered why such a legendary weapon never made it to SWTOR.I have a few designs in mind with something like dark side tunning effect that would emit from the sword.That's my suggestion for Cartel Market team.If you ever make this, send me a copy of it in the game.

What i really would like to have implemented is a system, where some items from old, ancient Sith/jedi (like it is said in one of the Sith-Codex where Darth Marr founds the lightsaber of Tulak Hord) could be found in old Tombs around the Galaxy (like Korriban, Yavin, Tython and so on)They all could have a different, rare spawn timer and spawn, lets say once a week (or something like that). Not all of their old weapons/armors, but at least 1 or 2.I really would like an event like that. Where you travel around the galaxy and search for (real) weapons/armors of old, ancient sith/jedi. At least one event where you really have to spend time inGame and search (not via Cartel Market) for these items, so they would have some sort of uniqueness.I'd be open to create a seperate thread for a petition to BW if anyone would want to work it out with me. Maybe BW hears us. This page is not meant to keep you from following the link you've clicked on. It is just a warning that you are about to leave this website.

WynnKotor Ajunta Pall Sword Keep

Tomb Of Ajunta Pall

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Pall warned Revan about the corruption within the sword. He told Revan that if he was wise, he would not keep the sword, in order to avoid a.

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