Cara Setting Clean Url Php

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Remove File Extention from URLs is not working in my site. Can you give some tips to solve the proble. This should leave GET variable clean in the URL without the index.php. Permalink to comment # February 16, 2013. (I write code by hand so don’t use a CMS, etc). I tried setting up a site with MAMP (never again).

NoteThe installer creates a configuration containing the essential parameters.Only manually add configuration parameters to config/config.php if you need touse a special value for a parameter. Do not copy everything from config/config.sample.php. Only enter the parameters you wish to modify!ownCloud supports loading configuration parameters from multiple files.You can add arbitrary files ending with.config.php in the config/directory, for example you could place your email server configurationin email.config.php.

This allows you to easily create and managecustom configurations, or to divide a large complex configuration fileinto a set of smaller files. These custom files are not overwritten byownCloud, and the values in these files take precedence over config.php. 'mailsmtpmode' = 'sendmail',Which mode to use for sending mail: sendmail, smtp, qmail orphp.If you are using local or remote SMTP, set this to smtp.If you are using PHP mail you must have an installed and working email systemon the server. The program used to send email is defined in the php.inifile.For the sendmail option you need an installed and working email system onthe server, with /usr/sbin/sendmail installed on your Unix system.For qmail the binary is /var/qmail/bin/sendmail, and it must be installedon your Unix system. 'htaccess.RewriteBase' = '/',To have clean URLs without /index.php this parameter needs to be configured.This parameter will be written as “RewriteBase” on update and installation ofownCloud to your.htaccess file. While this value is often simply the URLpath of the ownCloud installation it cannot be set automatically properly inevery scenario and needs thus some manual configuration.In a standard Apache setup this usually equals the folder that ownCloud isaccessible at. So if ownCloud is accessible via “”the correct value would most likely be “/owncloud”.

If ownCloud is runningunder “” then it would be “/”.Note that above rule is not valid in every case, there are some rare setupcases where this may not apply. However, to avoid any update problems thisconfiguration value is explicitly opt-in.After setting this value run occ maintenance:update:htaccess and when followingconditions are met ownCloud uses URLs without index.php in it:. modrewrite is installed. modenv is installed. 'trashbinretentionobligation' = 'auto',If the trash bin app is enabled (default), this setting defines the policyfor when files and folders in the trash bin will be permanently deleted.The app allows for two settings, a minimum time for trash bin retention,and a maximum time for trash bin retention.Minimum time is the number of days a file will be kept, after which itmay be deleted. Maximum time is the number of days at which it is guaranteedto be deleted.Both minimum and maximum times can be set together to explicitly definefile and folder deletion. For migration purposes, this setting is installedinitially set to “auto”, which is equivalent to the default setting inownCloud 8.1 and before.Available values:.


Cara Setting Clean Url Php Password

auto default setting. 'versionsretentionobligation' = 'auto',If the versions app is enabled (default), this setting defines the policyfor when versions will be permanently deleted.The app allows for two settings, a minimum time for version retention,and a maximum time for version retention.Minimum time is the number of days a version will be kept, after which itmay be deleted. Maximum time is the number of days at which it is guaranteedto be deleted.Both minimum and maximum times can be set together to explicitly defineversion deletion. For migration purposes, this setting is installedinitially set to “auto”, which is equivalent to the default setting inownCloud 8.1 and before.Available values:.

auto default setting. Automatically expire versions according to expirerules. Please refer to Filesversions online documentation for moreinfo. D, auto keep versions at least for D days, apply expire rules to all versionsthat are older than D days. auto, D delete all versions that are older than D days automatically, deleteother versions according to expire rules. D1, D2 keep versions for at least D1 days and delete when exceeds D2 days.

disabled versions auto clean disabled, versions will be kept forever. 'log.condition' = 'sharedsecret' = '57b58edb6637fe3059b3595cf9c41b9','users' = 'sample-user','apps' = 'files',Log condition for log level increase based on conditions. Once one of theseconditions is met, the required log level is set to debug. This allows todebug specific requests, users or apps Supported conditions:. sharedsecret: if a request parameter with the name logsecret is set to this value the condition is met.

users: if the current request is done by one of the specified users, this condition is met. apps: if the log message is invoked by one of the specified apps, this condition is metDefaults to an empty array. 'appspaths' = array(array('path'= '/var/www/owncloud/apps','url' = '/apps','writable' = true,),),Use the appspaths parameter to set the location of the Apps directory,which should be scanned for available apps, and where user-specific appsshould be installed from the Apps store. The path defines the absolutefile system path to the app folder. The key url defines the HTTP Web pathto that folder, starting from the ownCloud webroot. The key writableindicates if a Web server can write files to that folder. Memory caching backend configurationAvailable cache backends:.

OCMemcacheAPC Alternative PHP Cache backend. OCMemcacheAPCu APC user backend. OCMemcacheArrayCache In-memory array-based backend (not recommended). OCMemcacheMemcached Memcached backend. OCMemcacheRedis Redis backend. OCMemcacheXCache XCache backendAdvice on choosing between the various backends:. APCu should be easiest to install.

Almost all distributions have packages.Use this for single user environment for all caches. Use Redis or Memcached for distributed environments.For the local cache (you can configure two) take APCu. 'objectstore' = array('class' = 'OCFilesObjectStoreSwift','arguments' = array(// trystack will user your facebook id as the user name'username' = 'facebook56789',// in the trystack dashboard go to user - settings - API Password to// generate a password'password' = 'Secr3tPaSSWoRdt7',// must already exist in the objectstore, name can be different'container' = 'owncloud',// create the container if it does not exist. 'minimum.supported.desktop.version' = '1.7.0',The minimum ownCloud desktop client version that will be allowed to sync withthis server instance. All connections made from earlier clients will be deniedby the server. Defaults to the minimum officially supported ownCloud version atthe time of release of this server version.When changing this, note that older unsupported versions of the ownCloud desktopclient may not function as expected, and could lead to permanent data loss forclients or other unexpected results.

How To Remove Id From Url In Php

Osx-htaccess-overrideAlso while here allow URL rewrites so your permalinks look clean, not ugly.Uncomment in httpd.conf – should be uncommented on a clean install. LoadModule rewritemodule libexec/apache2/modrewrite.soPHP 7.1.9 is loaded in this version of macOS Mojave and needs to be turned on by uncommenting a line in the httpd.conf file. Sudo nano /etc/apache2/httpd.confUse “control” + “w” to search within nano and search for ‘php’ this will land you on the right line then uncomment the line (remove the #): LoadModule php7module libexec/apache2/libphp7.soWrite out and Save using the nano shortcut keys at the bottom ‘control o’ and ‘control x’Reload Apache to kick in sudo apachectl restartTo see and test PHP, create a file name it “phpinfo.php” and file it in your document root with the contents below, then view it in a browser.

How To Set Url Settings

MySQL doesn’t come pre-loaded with macOS Mojave and needs to be.The latest version of MySQL 8.0.12 does work with the public release of macOS.Use the macOS 10.13 (x86, 64-bit), DMG Archive version (works on macOS Mojave).If you are upgrading from a previous macOS and have an older MySQL version you do not have to update it.Also if you have a clean install and want the earlier MySQL version 5.7, you can still get this from the MySQL site – from the ‘Looking for previous GA versions’ link. (MySQL 8 is relatively new and not in many production set ups)One thing with MySQL upgrades, always take a in case things go south and before you upgrade to macOS Mojave make sure your MySQL Server is not running.When downloading you don’t have to sign up, look for » No thanks, just take me to the downloads!

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