Mason And Risch Piano Serial Numbers

Mason And Risch Piano Serial Numbers 3,8/5 7373 reviews

Thanks for getting back to me Nicole. Using the serial number you provided, I was able to find that your piano was made in 1957. Using my resources to look into your inquiry, I was able to find comparable sales that give your piano a current secondary market value of $400 - $800 CAD at auction or in a private sale.

Mason & Risch was one of the top five Canadian companies. They did, however, like all other manufacturers experience weakness in some of their design features.Mason & Risch had a series of instruments built with a design called the interlocking pin block. This was the traditional build in the upper framework, but instead of the lag bolts that run through the pin block and out the back plank, they had a series of wedges interlocking the back plank and pin block together across the top of both planks.Unfortunately over time the tremendous weight of the instrument at concert pitch gradually began to pull the upper framework apart. Thanks so much for the reply Dan silverwood.Some more information i was able to get from owner.Mason & RischToronto11109 (serial number)Equi- TemperedEqui-Sonant Seale and InterlockedPatented Pin BlockIs this one of the serial numbers you were talking about to avoid.

Looks like it fits the description you gave.This piano really caught my eye. Not overly ornate but very tasteful appearance in my humble opinion. My wife loves the look also. Putting appearance aside though if the it doesn't Play well then its just nice looking furniture taking up valuable space for a good piano.Dan would you recommend ditching it or look further and if not separating then bolt as you stated above. I am a carpenter with 30yrs experience in renovating houses, boat rebuilding, and have rebuilt cars also so don't really see repair as a problem.

Kind of like the idea of trying to rebuild a piano. Hate trying to make silk purse out of sows ear though.Thanks again for allowing others to gain from your experience, much appreciated.Mike. The first thing to do is find a local technician of your choice, preferably one that does restorative work. Your tuner friend that is away at the moment may be able to assist or know of someone who would.Have the instrument inspected for present mechanical condition. If the tuning pins are low torque rating then the top board will have to come off for sure to see if there is a separation there.Forget the local market financial value because there won’t be any UNLESS the instrument has had restorative work completed previously. Any tall older upright in original condition will require a lot of restorative work, so the value is very low.If the owner wants any more than a couple of hundred bucks then walk.Personally I don’t pay any money for these older tall uprights because the price of the move often exceeds the present day financial value.

I am over on the west side in Kitsilano close to Alma/Broadway. If the piano is close by I could pop by to have a quick look.There is a mover on Vancouver Island who I would recommend calling about transport. They travel regularly to the Gulf Islands and the Lower Mainland.Contact Jim James at James Enterprises and ask him how much it is to transport a full size upright to Vancouver Island.

250-857-1136 This number is better than sending email. Tell him you were talking to Dan the Piano Man. If you get onboard one of his loads the cost could be different then my estimation.Here is the web site.Step two? That would be repairing the pin block if there was a separation in that one.There are lots of older tall uprights around Vancouver that can be had for the cost of the move. Had a Heintzman 54' as a child. Had lessons on that for awhile.

Can remember dad trying to tune it. Had good sound, better than alot i hear today. There should be a few of them around still.I wonder how many homes have Piano's in them today that never get played. When i was a kid in Ontario seemed almost unusual for someone not to have a piano, not that many played but there were a lot more of them still around.The piano is in Delta, and its in storage and has been there for 5 yrs. Ex-wife insisting very valuable piano.

He paid storage. If you want it go for it. If i lived closer i would. Other piano's will fill the bill for me. Wasn't best of time either but i loved the look of it.Mike.

1021 Player Piano Makes & Makers, and the Player Systems that They Installed(Updated June 11, 2019)                  The Player Actions that They UsedNon-US Made Instruments -Very Interesting Instruments -Next to each piano name is one or more numbers. Each number represents a different Player Piano Action.


Clicking on the number will take you to a 'Systems' page which may have a short description of that action along with pictures or drawings (if available). Compare what is described in the page against the player action in your piano. Every 'Systems' page has a link to the applicable, if one is available.In many cases, companies used different player actions in different models and/or at different times during the heyday of the player piano. If you have tried all of the selections that are offered here, and you still can't find a match, I'd like to know. The completeness and accuracy of this listing depends in part on you. As new information becomes known, the list is immediately updated. If it's not in this list, please write to:For historical information about a piano company, please visit the website.


Mason And Risch Piano Serial Numbers

For another source of historical information, visit the webpage. An online listings of piano serial numbers/ages can be seen at.Disclaimer: This listing is only as accurate as the information that has been provided by numerous sources.

It is not possible to verify all of the information.

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