Rome Total War Britons

Rome Total War Britons 4,9/5 4144 reviews

Heavy chariots are an elite in British armies ridden into battle by tribal nobles. They are shock troops, relying on speed and shock to break enemy formations. Every man carries a fine sword, and is equipped with a good mail coat and a shield, while his chariot is pulled by two horses. This total overhaul of Rome:Total War is based upon the Second World War. It contains historical battle locations on different fronts. The Lord of the Rings - Total War. LOTR-TW is a Total Conversion for Alexander TW based on The Lord of the Rings trilogy, focused to recreate the epic battles seen in the movies. Factions in Rome: Total War. If you’re playing as one of the Roman factions, the Brutii, Julli or Scipii, the basic victory condition for the game is to conquer Rome and much of the world. This isn’t as easy as it sounds. You’ll find yourself fighting against the forces of the Senate and the other Roman factions. If you’re playing as any other.

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  3. Rome Total War Britons Strategy

. Faction summary: Britons.If this is your first visit, be sure tocheck out the by clicking thelink above. You may have tobefore you can post: click the register link above to proceed.

To start viewing messages,select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below.Wambat is holding a weekly raffle giveaway of Steam games to promote the Fourth Age Total War mod and his Let's Play campaign!Check out the announcement thread. The Org needs You!Please visit the for more information on how to help. The Britons are an extremely iconic faction, and for this if nothing else they deserve their precious place among HRTW's factions.

The game covers the period in Britain which is known as the Middle and Late Iron Age, a time of great change for Britain. The Middle Iron Age is characterised by small egalitarian farming communities with relatively little contact with anyone outside their community, let alone their tribal unit or Britain itself. They spoke a language closely related to Gaulish called (surprise surprise) Ancient British, also known as Brythonic or Brittonic, which belonged to the 'Celtic' branch of the Indo-European language family which also includes English and Latin.

Ancient British does survive to this day, albeit in much changed form, as the languages of Welsh, Cornish and Breton. Their material culture and religious beliefs were closely similar to those of the Gauls, but it is not a simple question of a horde of Gauls invading from the continent and wiping out or enslaving the natives Britons: there is no evidence for this. Rather, Britain and Gaul had been culturally very close since time immemorial, and this became still more visible towards the end of the Bronze Age, when both belonged to one big cultural continuum called the Atlantic Bronze Age which stretched from Gibraltar to the Western Isles. It has been suggested that Proto-Celtic, the original celtic language, developed during this period as a common language of trade, although nobody really knows; and this shared culture may also explain many of the other cultural traits that the Gauls and Britons shared in the Iron Age, which came after the Bronze Age, such as religious beliefs and social customs. The Early Iron Age however saw a period of upheaval in Britain: during the later Bronze Age, the people had been ruled by a small elite, whose position was based on their warrior and hunter status, their control of the flow of trade routes of precious resources, and their magical ability to forge bronze. By the dawn of the Iron Age, the people had had enough of this unfair system, with massive social inequalities between rich and poor; huge hoards of high-status items are buried and there is good evidence for widespread violence, which has prompted some scholars to talk of a revolution. This may seem unlikely, but consider: the same thing was going on at almost exactly the same time in Rome and Greece, with the kings being thrown out and democracies or republics installed.

Whether we can talk about any sort of 'democracy' in Britain at this stage is open to question: but certainly, the social order became far more egalitarian. Objects which had been symbols of status during the Bronze Age basically disappear, such as swords, archery equipment, goldwork or elaborate metal artwork of any kind, and even to a limited extent horses and horse-gear.

Hillforts had been in existence in Britain since the latter part of the Bronze Age, but it is with the rise of this new order that they begin to become much more numerous and important across a large part of Southern England and Wales. The sheer work that went into building some of these impressive monuments demonstrates that there were still figures in the tribes who held a certain coercive power. The new authorities may have been a sort of tribal assembly, or an association of elders, or both; but there was no longer a small elite who could do whatever they want. Power was no longer displayed by ostentatious metalwork, as the ability to work iron meant that metal was now a more 'common' thing, in the sense that it was no longer the reserve of the elite: now it was a question of control of the land.The archaeological evidence indicates a fast-growing population during this period, linked to an amelioration in the climate and to technological advancement - the use of iron, and there was widespread clearance of woodland across much of the South coast to make way for more farmland. In the third century BCE, a unique culture developed in east Yorkshire called the Arras culture, characterised by the re-emergence of some fantastically elaborate metalwork such as the kirkburn sword and a distinctive funerary rite - burial.

Inhumation of bodies upon death had largely fallen out of fashion over most of Britain at this time, perhaps because of a shift in religious beliefs, and also maybe influenced by the fact that burial had been the preserve of the elite during the Bronze Age, the elite that no-one was allowed to be any more. There is still heated debate over whether the Arras culture should be ascribed to an elite invasion from Gaul or to a re-assumption of power by a local elite who displayed their status by copying exotic customs; I personally tend towards the former, but there is no consensus. At any rate the Arras culture foreshadowed many of the fundamental changes that were about to alter the face of Britain once more.The Middle Iron Age lasts from around 550 BCE to 150 BCE, when it ends in another outbreak of widespread violence, which coincides with the re-emergence of swords, horsegear and elaborate artwork in the archaeological record, as well as the invasion of the Belgae from Gaul. Whether it was social tensions coming to a head that caused the Belgae to be brought in to the equation or the invasion of the Belgae that catalysed or even provoked the downfall of the old social order we do not know; but a relatively small group of a warrior-people from the continent, probably not numbering much more than a few thousand, began to settle in the South of Britain around this time, accompanied by widespread social upheaval. They settled mostly in Hampshire and Sussex and possibly Kent, areas which had once been the heart of the hillfort zone; but it is around this time that many of those hillforts went out of use, to be replaced by lots of smaller open settlements and a few much larger, proto-urban or indeed urban settlements, known as oppida (which refers to this very specific type of settlement in archaeological terminology, not just some town which is what the Latin word means). In Wales and the West Country however, hillforts remained: Belgic influence was more limited in this areas, and they were certainly never conquered.

In particular, one British tribe in Dorset, the Durotriges, profited from the situation to re-open closer contact with Gaul; they set up a major port at Hengistbury and rapidly made themselves quite rich and powerful from trading with the tribes of Armorica, despite hanging on to many of the old ways. Coinage also first appears in Britain around this time.It was onto this new scene that Julius Caesar arrived in 55 BCE.

His invasion themselves were of no real direct significance; but it is probably no coincidence that, soon after he left, the tribe that had led the opposition to his invasions of Kent, the Cassi of Hertfordshire, started to become immensely powerful. The Durotriges, who were hostile to Caesar because he had conquered their trade partners, were basically excluded from trade with Gaul now, and entered a long period of economic retraction; instead, the main focus of trade was shifted to Kent and Essex, to favour Caesar's allies the Trinovantes.

But the Trinovantes were incorporated into the Cassi sphere around 9 CE to form the Catuvellauni; whether this was done by military conquest or political arrangement we do not know, but suddenly, the kings of the Cassi were minting coins from the capital of Trinovantes instead of their own. The next thirty years saw the Catuvellauni rise to become easily the most powerful tribe in Britain; by the time of the Roman invasion in 43 CE, they controlled basically the entire SE of Britain, from Kent to Wiltshire to Norfolk. Ironically, this made them easy prey for the Romans. Centralised kingdoms were their favourite kind of states to conquer; all they had to do was beat the army and march on the capital, which they promptly did, and the entire Southeast of Britain fell into their hands. The Romans were here to stay.That is a brief social history of Iron Age Britain in a nutshell, insofar as it concerns us. Basically what you should take away from it is:- MIA Britain was an egalitarian society living in hillforts fighting with spears and slings- LIA Britain was a society ruled by a warrior elite living in what are effectively cities and fighting with chariots and swords- The transition MIA-LIA was far from a peaceful one and should be represented in-game as a reform (preferably accompanied by a scripted invasion - ie if gaul is still alive at time of reform, then create horde in S Britain).

It should be triggered by the conquest of more than three provinces in Gaul, or some other faction conquering a British home region, whichever comes first - and importantly, it should be optional.This is more or less that historical framework around which we need to structure the British faction.MAPThe map of the British Isles that will be used in HRTW has already been finalised, as far as I can see. You can see the provinces and settlements map in the attachments below; here are some details of each province.1: Magiodunum (Maiden Castle hillfort), province Dexoua ('The South'). South-central Britain.base farming: 6.resources: s(laves)d(ogs)p(igs), timber (near port, in New Forest), iron (in Sussex, and in Oxfordshire), grain (in Dorset somewhere, where it looks best).2: Camulodunum (Colchester), province Cantium (roughly 'The Corner'). Southeastern Britain.base farming: 7.resources: sdp, iron (in Kent), textiles (a little W of Camulodunum)salt (in Cambridgeshire Fens).3: Maridunum (Carmarthen), province Uorliuina ('The West'). Wales and the Southwest peninsula.base farming: 4.resources: sdp, tin (in Cornwall, x2), silver (where the gold is in vanilla)druidic resource (on the Isle of Anglesey, the bit that sticks up out of NW Wales).4: Alauna (Roulston Scar, North Yorkshire - name guessed by EB2), province Brigantia ('The High Country').

Northern England.base farming: 5.resources: sdp, lead (x2, dotted around the Pennines (big hills down the middl)), timber (in the Lake District (NWern bit)).5: Artodunum (Inverness), province Uindobannia ('Land of White Peaks'). Edorix, no offense, but can you mod at all? Most of the so called 'historian-researchers' are just useless in the modding world.

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They only copy and paste info from webs and books saying 'this should be included, this not, etc'; but other than that they don't do anything at all. Post like this abput factions almost anyone can do them, but to speak of what needs to be done to do it in-game is a different matter. As a modder myself, ahowl11 i'm telling you britons are not worth the effort (off course i'm not at 100% in the team, so my opinion could be taken just as a tought). But unless you have excellent codders to create all that Edorix has said, or Edorix does it himself they should NOT be included.Also i would suggest to you ahowl11 that every faction discussion like this SHOULD be supported with ideas of what needs to be modded to implement them in-game, even if their positions are 'historians', as RTW players we all here know what can be done and what can't (even if we're not able to do it ourselves). The thing is, though, Edorix does mod, and he has his own mod, 'Pritanoi Reborn'.And by the way this is why we are discussing everything before moving forward.

Obviously not everyone will get exactly what they want but hearing everyone's opinions helps a great deal. At least give credit to Edorix for taking the time to write all of that out. He has said that he loves the Britons and I'm sure he would not just copy and paste that information from the internet or books.

That was a well thought out plan, and since it was well thought out, I will definitely give the Britons major consideration. You see I would not care what faction Edorix was proposing, but the fact that it was clear, understandable and professional makes the idea of having the Britons in game a good possibility. And the fact that he has the ability to mod, backs up his proposition.If anyone wants a particular faction give clear reasons why, and good back up with historical research and something unique about the faction. I don't care if it was the Umbrians or the city of Argos.

If you provide clear propositions such as above your faction will get consideration.Also your arguments are well noted. It will be a tough call. The Britons are on the bubble for sure. I would like to see them, but if a better faction came along it might cause conflict. Sorry I'm late, I got lost on the path of life.:PAnyway, jokes aside, wanted to complement Edorix for his knowledge and summary of the ancient Britons.@hameleonaA Getic Thrace would be interesting, however Thrace is somewhat of a unique faction, no matter in which form is included in mods, it really spices up the game.@XpartacusI was offended by your comment on 'historian-researchers'. Just kidding, everybody has his opinions, and I shall point out that you are right up to some point.

I kinda feel useless myself sometimes because I cannot mod, however once upon a time (in 2010) I wanted to make a minimod of mine for RTW vanilla multiplayer, with the purpose of balancing the factions by changing the stats of the units and importing some from BI and ALX. It failed because of the overly conservative RTW MP players that liked Gaul and Spain getting smashed all the time and the overpowered Pontus and Egypt beating every other faction with almost no effort. I'm sorry if i offended anyone, i didn't meant that EVERY historian is useless, what i tried to point out is that if you check any mods new threads you'll see at least 3 wanna be 'historians' (at least) for every 1 modder (name skinner, modeller, codder, mapper, etc). I by no means say your work is worthless, but to be real historians you need to support your opinion with sources (a real research provides at least 4-5 different sources), since the ones that are actually useless just copy-paste (specially from wikipedia), take the info they provide as granted and that's it. I saw once a modding thread were 'historians' just kept pointing out cities and more cities, i counted and they had around 300 cities just for Europe and North Africa.

So much for a researcher huh? So, historians not only should provide information, they provide letters and more letters about units and never at least provide a image (or 2-3) for modellers to base their work, etc. All i'm saying is as historian you just don't say tons of words withput knowing if it is even going to be possible to achieve. Xpartacus, you're quite right to demand sources. The problem is I don't remember all the places my knowledge has come from.

However the main sources I can think of that I have drawn on for this article are:. Cunliffe, Barry Iron Age Communities in Britain: An Account of England, Scotland and Wales from the 7th Century BCE until the Roman Conquest, 2005. Finney, Jon Bryant Middle Iron Age Warfare of the Hillfort-Dominated Zone c.400 BCE to c.150 BCE, 2005. Cunliffe, Barry The Ancient Celts, 1999.

Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War, Books IV and V.Although if you want proof that this is not plagiarised, it would have taken you about thirty seconds to google one of my paragraphs and discover that it is not. It might be worth remembering that in the future before you make such an insulting suggestion.As for my own credentials, I will publish no details here save that I have an outstanding general academic record and am engaged in work on the barbarian factions for Europa Barbarorum II. But unless you have excellent codders to create all that Edorix has said, or Edorix does it himself they should NOT be included.It does not require advanced coding. The only tricky part as far as I can see is a) triggering the reform and b) remodelling the buildings and altering the settlement layouts. A) I am not familiar with scripting, but many mods have reforms so I do not think it should be too difficult to come to some simple and good compromise. I do not foresee that that should be a problem. B) I am not familiar with modelling buildings either; however, this is not even required.

The only things that would remodelling rather than simply re-arranging are the tier 3 central building, the temple tree, and the addition of those square storehouses. I don't think any of that should be very challenging.I have not thus far offered my skills as a modder because I would rather not commit myself in that department. I can mod, but I generally lack the patience to make anything really good.

I am signed on as a historical advisor for the barbarian factions. I do not say that I will not contribute, but I certainly do not say that I will do any more work.To nuance my own post, I will emphasise that the unit roster I suggested is just that - a suggestion, based on the archaeological and historical evidence, and the criteria of gameplay.

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Also the temple tree is far from perfect. Barrows and standing stones were revered by the Ancient Britons and incorporated into settlements, but they weren't 'constructed' for veneration, if you see what I mean; they were already there. The totem poles are academically defendable however.


The alternative is not to put the religious buildings in the settlement at all so we don't have to worry about the battle-map models, and stick with the sacred grove idea, for which I can make a different tree. I am with Xpartacus - britons are not worth the effort, since they are a small, historically insignificant faction. Not to mention, they had crazy problems with the fact that they never unite under one power. Regarding them those are my 5 cents (as we say in Bulgaria).These are prudent and important remarks, and it is a big question. Whether the Britons were important or not all depends on your perspective. They were certainly iconic, both then and now; but their political influence was admittedly nil. That is one of the reasons why however they are such an interesting faction.

While much of Europe was building massive empires and waging calamitous wars, the Britons were having small-scale conflicts with each other. Towards the end of the game period, this began to change, and a single superpower did begin to emerge; that's when Rome stepped in.But isn't the whole purpose of Total War to change the course of history? To sack Rome as the Carthaginians? To conquer Egypt as the Seleucid Empire? To lead a small obscure tribe on the edge of the known world to become an empire spanning its entire breadth?Furthermore, you can make the Britons one of the most historically accurate factions in the mod thanks to my help and enthusiasm.However, it is true, there is an argument to be had here.

There could well be other factions that deserve a faction slot better than the Britons. However, that is for the 'which factions?' Thread; we cannot decide that Britain should be excluded because there is a better candidate, without seeing all the other candidates to compare them to. I suggest therefore that this discussion move over there.

Rome Total War Britons Strategy

If Rome: Total War was about the rise of the Roman Empire, then you can consider Rome: Total War Barbarian Invasion, the expansion to last year's hit strategy game, to be about the decline and fall of Rome. If you're a fan of Rome, you can expect a number of significant changes. The once mighty Roman empire has been split asunder, and warlike barbarian tribes are moving in for the kill. Your challenge is to rewrite history, as either the Romans or the barbarians. To get an idea of what to expect, we caught up with Creative Assembly's Ian Roxburgh for the details on Barbarian Invasion, which is expected to ship next month.The epic 3D battles still look amazing.GameSpot: Barbarian Invasion covers the era around the fall of the Roman Empire, but could you fill us in on the details on the years it covers and the major factions in the expansion?Ian Roxburgh: The expansion is set more than 300 years after the original game's time frame and spans the years AD 363 to AD 476.

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